July 2021 Goals

Now that I’ve moved and finished revising and submitting my novella, I’m going to try to get back into the habit of writing these monthly accountability posts. But what exactly is it that I want to accomplish during the month of July? I don’t have any big deadlines or major things to prepare for coming up, which makes it harder for me to focus my energy, but here’s what I’d like to accomplish.

Writing Goals

I fell behind with short story submissions while I was revising my novella for submission, so I’d like to get my submission number back up to ten stories on submission and maintain that for the rest of the month.

I’ve got one story idea that I’d like to get a rough draft written for and a few finished stories that I’d like to get revised and submitted, but those are lower on my list of priorities.

I’m also behind on providing feedback on pieces for two people. My biggest writing related priority will be finishing these critiques by the end of the month.

Life Goals

Just because we’ve moved, doesn’t mean the moving process is over. I still have boxes to unpack and rooms to decorate and arrange comfortably. It’ll probably take more than a month to get everything done that’s on my checklist, but I’d like to at least have all boxes and suitcases unpacked before the end of July. I’m looking forward to making this space feel like my own. Since it was previously my husband’s grandparents’ house and it’s still furnished and decorated with their things, I think it’ll take some time for it to really feel like it’s ours.

I also plan to get some more socializing in this month. Between moving, writing, and reinstated COVID restrictions, I’ve gotten exactly zero socializing done throughout the month of June. While I’m not exactly the most social person in the world, even I think that I haven’t been getting out enough.

Work Goals

Between visa restrictions, COVID, and just plain burnout, I haven’t worked regularly since I left my full-time job in 2018 to come to Australia. I wrapped up a free-lance writing project in May which was a lot of fun, but now I need to find more work, so I’ll be back at the job applications. Hopefully, I’ll be able to find some free-lance or part-time copy writing work soon.

Thanks so much for reading!

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