Community and Music

Music can be such a force for good in this world. On Friday, the band played at a concert to help raise money to support a local family whose son needs a heart transplant. It was so wonderful to see  so many people – mostly high school aged kids – come out to play music and donate money for this family. I feel blessed to have been a part of such an important event.

I don’t know if I can adequately describe how transporting it is to know that through an act of love like music I’m making a difference in somebody’s life. It makes all the hours of practice, the tears, the anxiety, the wanting to quit and never play again worth it.

I hope, that someday, I’ll be able to say the same of my writing, because that’s really why I started writing: I wanted to do for someone what reading did for me. I want to inspire the need to write in others and to reassure all those young people who fall outside the norm that being different is beautiful.

Thank you for reading.


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