Begin Again: Band Edition

Sitting here on this first day of a new January, I am of course thinking about everything that’s happened between the start of last January and today. I don’t know that I’ve yet had such a whirlwind year in my life. As such, I think my review of 2015 is best divided between several blog posts dedicated to the various aspects of my life. Let’s begin with music.

At the start of this year, I did not think of myself as a musician. Certainly I played an instrument. I occasionally got payed to do so. I’d even recorded an album. But in my mind, I felt like something of an impostor. I no longer feel that way. After everything that’s happened this year with my music I feel I own the title of musician.

Here are the highlights of my musical 2015:

  1. The Album: When we first finished recording “Ulysses on the Highway”, I was not as proud of the effort as I am now. I could barely listen to it without cringing. I heard every mistake, every warble. I couldn’t help but think how much better I could have done it. But as the year progressed, as more and more people bought it and said that they liked it, the more objectively I’ve been able to listen to it. And I’m proud of it. Sure, there are mistakes and yes we play those songs better now, but we did it. We recorded an album and that’s no mean feat.album front
  2. Jenny Brook: In June, the band participated in the band competition at Jenny Brook Bluegrass Festival. We came in second by a narrow margin, which we were proud of – and frankly we were relieved that we didn’t have to play the Sunday morning set that constituted the winner’s prize. What’s most astonished me about that weekend though, are the ripples it created. Later in the summer, at other festivals people came up to us and said they’d seen us play and that they thought we should have won. We even encountered one of the judges at IBMA who said that if it had been solely up to him we would have won. I’m honestly content with how things ended up, but it warms me to no end that we were so well received and that we were remembered. I’d also like to thank Michelle Canning for doing such a wonderful job organizing the competition. I hope we see each other again this summer.

    With the fabulous Michelle Canning at Jenny Brook.
    With the fabulous Michelle Canning at Jenny Brook.
  3. Local Flavor Fare: We put on our own festival this year. We had no idea what to expect. We just sort of threw it together and put it on and hoped for the best. And it was great. People came. People stayed. People had a good time. It gave us a chance to give back to the community and also to form deeper ties to the local community of musicians. I’d like to thank Audrey, Clayton, Andre, David, John, Tom and his band for agreeing to participate in our experiment. It was great meeting you all and hearing you play and playing with you. Hopefully we can do it again this year, even bigger and better.

    The main stage at the Local Flavor Fare
    The main stage at the Local Flavor Fare
  4. On the Radio: Not only has our album been played on the radio, but the band has done a couple of live performances on air at the local stations. I have to say that this is some of the most fun I’ve ever had with the band. Playing on the radio is such an intimate thing. You have a larger audience but you can’t see them, so I, for one, don’t feel as nervous. It’s fun interacting with the host and being interviewed. The audience doesn’t generally ask questions when you’re playing on stage and it’s fun to share some of the behind the scenes stuff that doesn’t always show up when you’re on stage.
  5. Fans: There’s nothing quite so daunting as putting the fruits of your creative labor up on stage for all to see. Quite frankly it’s terrifying. So far it hasn’t stopped being terrifying, but I’ve learned how to channel that terror into the performance. Performing live is like sending out an invitation to be judged by total strangers. I’ve encountered all kinds of people the last year: those with friendly advice, those who say I’m getting better, those who are amazed I haven’t been playing bass longer than two years, and genuine fans. I never really expected this – to have total strangers come up and give me their genuine praise and admiration. I’m not used to it yet and I suppose it’ll take some time before I do get used to it – if I ever do at all.

Hopes for the New Year:

We’re recording our second album soon and I hope that it will be an improvement on the first. I hope that it will highlight our growth as a band.

I hope that we will continue to grow and strengthen as a band. And I hope that more new and wonderful opportunities will find their way to our door.

Thank you for reading and Happy New Year!

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