Asking is Scary


I’ve spent the last week obsessively checking the progress of our Kickstarter campaign (if you’re interested in checking out the campaign, follow this link). The first two days, I glanced at my phone every few minutes: “Did we get a new backer? How much did they back us for? What reward level did they choose?” Then Monday came around and I actually had more to do than check my phone and obsess, but I’ve noticed that ever since we launched the campaign, I’ve had this nervous wriggle sitting in the bottom of my stomach: a little question resounding every second of the day, “Will we make it?”

It’s difficult to ask for help. It’s not something I do lightly. In my ideal world, I would be capable of taking care of all my needs and wants on my own, but that’s not practical and it’s lonely and stressful. Asking for help can be scary. Before you ask you never know if anyone will answer. I think some people never bother asking for help because they’re afraid of hearing nothing but silence in return.

I honestly wasn’t sure what to expect when we launched our Kickstarter. I thought the only people certain to back us were a couple close friends, family members, and a couple die hard Miners Creek fans. I’ve been pleasantly surprised by how many people are willing to contribute, even if it’s just a little bit. Complete strangers have backed us and I am at once baffled and humbled by their willingness to risk their hard-earned money on our little project.

But even as each new email pings my phone alerting me of a new backer, I worry that we won’t make our goal. What if enthusiasm tapers off and we’re stuck a few hundred dollars short of what we need? What if February 14th rolls around and we haven’t quite made it and we end up right back where we started?

I think we’ll make it though.

Thank you for reading.

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